Registration for the 4thAnnual National Roundtable for Teacher Education in the Arts, May 21st and 22nd will open on March 24th 2014
Please print off the registration form below and mail your form and cheque to Sonia Herbert, MASC, 250 Holland Ave., Ottawa ON. K1Y 0Y5.
National Roundtable for Teacher Education in the Arts 2014
Registration Form
PRINT ADDRESS:___________________________________________________________
PHONE NUMBER:______________________________________________________________
REGISTRATION FEE ($45.00)* – cheque payable to MASC. Please mail your form and cheque to Sonia Hebert, MASC, 250 Holland Ave., Ottawa Ont. K1Y 0Y5.
To pay by credit card or for questions by phone re registration, direct your call to the NRTEA Registrar, Sonia Hebert, at 613 725 9119. Questions by e-mail re registration should be directed to
All general questions about NRTEA should be addressed to Michael Wilson at or at 613 730 6842.
- Registration fee includes: morning coffee and muffins on May 21st , afternoon break and morning coffee and muffins on May 22nd.